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Duluth Technology Company’s Second Fix-it Clinic

We hosted our second fix-it clinic at Duluth Technology Company this past Sunday, November 9th and it was a blast. The media attention from the first clinic helped to boost attendance, and we actually had a couple of times where we didn’t have enough volunteers for the number of things to fix.

What did we fix?

We had a great variety of items coming in. There was an inkjet printer, a coleman gas camp stove, an old portable TV, a tape deck, a CD player, a Dyson vacuum, and an iron, among other things. Some things were discouraging, like a crock pot that practically had to be destroyed in order to take it apart. On other things we had that awesome stroke of luck that makes fixing things so satisfying, like the Dyson vacuum with the power button that wouldn’t stay down. We got it apart, it was simply dirty inside the button, and thus it was saved from a landfill!

Thank you volunteers!

When I say “we,” I mean us and our completely talented, brave, and resourceful volunteers. Once again, we had team members from the Duluth East Daredevils robotics team helping us, along with Joe, founder of the new Duluth Maker Space, and Colin and Karl, both engineers. We are so thankful to them for lending their knowledge, expertise, and curiosity to this event.

3D Printer Demo

We also had the good fortune to have Karl bring a 3D printer from the Duluth Maker Space to demo for us. As the clinic went on, it printed an espresso cup from a file downloaded at We posted a video of it in action on our Facebook page.

Once again the fix-it clinic was great fun, and we hope to do it again! We enjoy the opportunity to serve our community and foster the mentality that our things have value and that we can try to fix them before throwing them away.

With the holidays coming up, the next clinic probably won’t be until the new year. You can check back here for news of the next one, or sign up for our mailing list (which will also sometimes have other Duluth Tech Co news as well).

Fix-it Clinic Pictures

Now comes the REALLY fun part…pictures!

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